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    Perpetual Income With Closed-End Funds

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Perpetual Income With Closed-End Funds ebook


If the idea of building up a nest-egg only to deplete it when you retire doesn't sit well with you, you're not alone.  We don't have a crystal ball -- how can we effectively plan our retirement income when we don't know if we will need it for 5 years or 35 years?  Studies are beginning to reveal that "the 4% rule" is not very effective after all.  What are we to do?

S D Sullivan believes the answer lies in the power of perpetual income with closed-end funds.  In this course, you will learn the reasons behind this investment strategy and how it can help you in shaping in your own investing philosophy. 

Some key topics include:

  • Learning the basics – what is a closed-end fund?
  • Understanding risk
  • Dealing with market downturns
  • Why you should create your own “annuity”
  • How to set up and manage your own perpetual income portfolio
  • Why this investing mindset requires a paradigm shift from investment norms

Download your copy to learn how this investment strategy can finally put your mind at ease.

Reader Reviews

 "First let me say that I thoroughly enjoyed your ebook and found it very helpful in giving me (a novice investor) good background and knowledge of CEFs. Your writing and investment philosophy makes much sense and the more I see of CEFs the less concerned I am about volatility and the theory that high return means high risk. But on the other hand I do not want to be a slaughtered hog.

"The style of your writing is straight to the point and easily understandable. Almost like a "CEF for Dummies". I love the idea of a CEF course. I would certainly be interested in your e-course when it is available."

~Phil C

"I just wanted to thank you so much. 'Perpetual Income' has changed my outlook on investing. I would almost say it has become my 'bible' of investing. As I am nearing retirement, it is exactly what I was gearing towards. I applaud your effort to explore the attempt at an e-course.  I, personally, am already sold."

~Jerry G

"Just finished reading your book. Thoroughly enjoyed it and learned a lot from it. I love the way you allocate CASH as a portfolio holding to take advantage of dips.  I am thoroughly interested in your next 'course'."

~Sam K

"I recently purchased your book Perpetual Income with CEFs.  Loved it!  I’m kind of new to CEF investing, only the past year, but your book confirmed a lot of what I had been seeing as well as showed me a ton of new and valuable ideas.  Thank you."

~John R

Rated Reviews

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Robert Hill

Book was well written and easy to understand. Especially liked the content on asset allocation and ideal number of funds to manage. Thank you for sharing ...

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Book was well written and easy to understand. Especially liked the content on asset allocation and ideal number of funds to manage. Thank you for sharing your experiences with CEFs.

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